HC Deb 13 March 1893 vol 9 c1833
MR. CONNOR (Antrim, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if it is the case that the police have been withdrawn from the village of Dunloy, County Antrim; whether he is aware that, on the 20th ultimo, the congregation of Dunloy Presbyterian Church were molested on their way to the church, disturbed by a band playing outside while service was going on, and assaulted whilst proceeding quietly home after service; and whether any steps have been taken to prevent a recurrence of these attacks, and to afford suitable protection to the law-abiding people in that district for the future?


It is reported to me that the police station at Dunloy was discontinued in March 1892. Some disorder of the nature indicated has occurred, but not, as I am informed, of a serious character. Special steps have been taken by the police to prevent a recurrence of disturbance, and a prosecution is now pending at Petty Sessions arising out of a recent act of disorder in the locality.