HC Deb 09 March 1893 vol 9 c1440

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade if his attention has been called to the case of L. Olsen, late second engineer of the s.s. Blakemore, who died on the voyage from the Tyne to the West Indies; if he is aware that the said L. Olsen had, at the time of his death, due to him the sum of £12 5s. for wages, which amount had been forwarded to the Norwegian Consul, instead of being sent to the wife and family of the said L. Olsen, he having sailed for over 19 years on British ships, and has a wife and family living at the Port of South Shields; and if, upon inquiry, he finds the money has been sent to the Norwegian Consul instead of to the wife of the said L. Olsen, what steps, if any, will be taken to see that the money and the effects of the late L. Olsen is delivered to the wife of the deceased man?


The seaman referred to by the hon. Member was a Swedish subject, and, in accordance with an agreement entered into with the Swedish Government in 1863, his wages and effects must be handed over to the Representative of the Swedish Government in this country. As the man has left a widow in this country the Board of Trade endeavoured to induce the Swedish Authorities to allow the wages, amounting to £12 5s., and the effects to be handed over to her; but I have within the last few days been informed by the Swedish Consul General that the mother of the deceased man refuses to waive her claim upon the estate. The widow has been advised to apply to the Consul General, and will, no doubt, receive the portion of the estate to which under the Swedish law she may be entitled.