HC Deb 06 March 1893 vol 9 cc1081-2

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the conflict between the police and people at Bodyke last week, when the Sheriff seized some cattle on the estate of Colonel O'Callaghan; whether he can state how many police were engaged upon the occasion, and whether it is true that they charged the people with clubbed guns; whether he is aware that the people of Bodyke find great difficulty in paying the judicial rents; and whether, to avoid further disturbance in this locality, the Government will introduce a short Bill for the revision of judicial rents in Ireland?

MR. MACARTNEY (Antrim, S.)

Is it not a fact that in some of the cases the persons whose cattle were seized immediately paid the rents?


It is reported to me that a Sheriff's bailiff, protected by a party of 21 police, seized some cattle on the Bodyke estate on February 24; there was some excitement on the occasion, but it is not true that the police charged the people with clubbed guns or otherwise. There seems to be no doubt that a large number of the tenants are unable to meet in full the demands of the landlord. In some cases, I do not know in how many, the tenants came and paid their rents immediately after the seizures were made; but I do not know upon what terms the settlements were made.


Payment in full.


With regard to the last paragraph of the question, I must refer the hon. Member to the answer I have given to it several times.