§ MR. GERALD BALFOUR (Leeds, Central)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for India whether the Government of India have now completed their inquiry into the outbreak of cholera, which occurred at Murree last autumn; whether it is the fact that this outbreak was due to culpable negligence on the part of the Indian Government, in ordering native troops, known to be infected with cholera, to proceed, without proper organisation or any sanitary precautions, to Kashmir viâ Murree. in disregard of the protests of the Local Authorities; and whether he will lay upon the Table of the House copies of the telegrams, letters, and Reports from the Civil and Military Authorities at Murree and Rawalpindi, commencing in April, 1892, in reference to the passage 542 of troops viâ Murree, together with copies of the Reports of the General Commanding, and the Civil Commissioner, upon the outbreak of cholera, and copies of the subsequent Correspondence relating thereto?
MR. G. RUSSELLThe Report promised by the Government of India has not arrived. A telegram was sent yesterday to the Viceroy, to ask when the Report may be expected, but no reply has yet been received.