HC Deb 30 June 1893 vol 14 c544
MR. STOCK (Liverpool, Walton)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General, in view of the fact that the employés in the Liverpool Post Office have been subjected to very heavy pressure of work, mainly due to having to work off large supplies of circulars without overtime, as formerly, whether he can hold out any hope of an improvement in their position?


I do not clearly understand what is meant by the hon. Member's question. If the work referred to has fallen within the ordinary hours of duty of the officers concerned it would form part of their regular duty, and no extra payment could be granted for it. On the other hand, if the work has involved extra duty it will, as a matter of course, be paid for at the prescribed extra duty rates. If the staff in question are subject to any grievance, the existence of which I am not aware of, and if they take the usual course of representing it to their superior officers, I will take care that it is fully inquired into.