HC Deb 29 June 1893 vol 14 cc337-8
MR. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that, on the 20th instant, at Clonsast, King's County, two cows, the property of Mrs. Cobbe, were mutilated, their tails being cut off, and a horse belonging to John Short was stabbed but not killed, the owners being Protestants of the humblest farming class; whether he is aware that they recently signed a Petition against Home Rule, and joined a local Unionist Association, and that this is the sole cause assigned in the neighbourhood for this outrage; and if the police have made any Report on the matter?


I am informed that the facts, a Report of which was promptly made by the police, are as stated in the first paragraph. It is also true that the injured persons recently signed a Petition against the Bill in question, though it does not appear they are members of any political Association. The motive assigned for these brutal outrages is as stated; but it is right to add that they have been denounced by the Roman Catholic clergyman of the parish.

MR. JOHNSTON (Belfast, S.)

May I ask whether it was so denounced before or after the question was put upon the Paper?


I am given to understand it was very shortly after the occurrence.


Have the police any clue as to the perpetrators?


was understood to reply in the negative.