HC Deb 22 June 1893 vol 13 c1667
SIR WILFRID LAWSON (Cumberland, Cockermouth)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that the gentlemen recently appointed to the Derby County Bench received the official intimation of their appointment, accompanied by a postscript informing them that it is the practice in this county for the Magistrates on qualifying to pay seven guineas out of which the County Magistrates' Wine Fund benefits to the extent of five guineas, and the remaining two guineas are retained by the Clerk of the Peace; and whether there is any legal warrant for such a demand?


I am informed by the Clerk of the Peace that the five guineas to the Magistrates' Wine Fund is a donation, not recurrent, of which a separate account is kept; and this provides a fund for the luncheons of the Magistrates from time to time during their period of office, at Assizes and Quarter Sessions. The donation is clearly not obligatory, and there is no legal warrant for requiring it. A portion of the two guineas is paid over to the County Fund in respect of the fees payable on taking oaths of office, and the balance is retained by the Clerk of the Peace for his services outside his official duties. In answer to a question from the Chairman of the Standing Joint Committee, I expressed the opinion on February 21 last that any payment to the Clerk of the Peace in excess of the 10s. which is authorised by the table of fees is in the nature of an honorarium. I am not aware of any legal ground upon which it can be demanded from Magistrates.