HC Deb 19 June 1893 vol 13 cc1337-8
MR. W. REDMOND (Clare, E.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that, as has been stated in this daily papers, a double-barrelled gun was discharged through the windows of the house of Mr. Henry Rogers, of Helston, Registrar of the County Court, at about 11 o'clock on Monday night, shattering the glass and frightening Mr. Rogers considerably, and that a second volley was fired through Miss Rogers' bedroom window, fortunately without doing any personal injury to the lady; and whether any arrests have yet been made?

MR. THEOBALD (Essex, Romford)

May I ask whether Captain Moonlight or any of his lieutenants have lately been in the neighbourhood of Helston; whether the Secretary of State for the Home Department now fully recognises the enormity of the offence, seeing that it was attempted against a person whose political opinions were in accord with those of Her Majesty's present Government, instead of having been attempted by the Land League, of which several of the present Government's supporters and allies in this House are Members?


I do not think that the supplementary question of the hon. Member requires serious notice. I understand from a Report which I have received from the Chief Constable of Cornwall that the facts are as stated in the first paragraph of the question. With regard to the second paragraph, I understand that the police are satisfied that the object of the outrage was to frighten and not to injure Mr. Rogers. At present no arrests have been made, but the matter is being carefully investigated.


May I ask whether the outrage was of an agrarian nature?


Will the right hon. Gentleman say whether the gravity of a diabolical outrage like that to which I have drawn attention depends on the question whether it is agrarian or not?

[No answer was given.]