HC Deb 19 June 1893 vol 13 cc1350-1

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury (1) whether his attention has been called to a letter written by Mr. Holt S. Hallett to The Times of 16th. June, regarding Siam; (2) whether the French claim the whole of the Siamese territory east of the Mekong, amounting to one-third of the Kingdom of Siam; (3) whether French troops have invaded Siam, and occupied Stingtreng, Khong, and Camnon; (4) whether it is proposed to patrol the Mekong with French gunboats, and to run French steamers on the river; (5) whether the frontier of British Burmah touches the Mekong; (6) and what stops Her Majesty's Government are taking to preserve these important territories of Siam and the contiguous regions of Southern China for British trade?


Perhaps I may be allowed to answer those questions. (1.); Attention has been called to Mr. Hallett's letter. (2.) As was stated on the 1st instant, in reply to an inquiry made by the hon. Member for the South-port Division, and by the Secretary of State in the House of Lords on the 15th, neither Her Majesty's Government nor the Siamese Government, so far as is known, have any distinct knowledge of what territory on the east of the Mekong is claimed by the French. (3.) It is understood that the places indicated, but somewhat incorrectly spelt, in the third clause of the question have been occupied by the French. (4.) Her Majesty's Government are not in a position to state what are the intentions of the French Government as to their future action on the Mekong River or whether, indeed, such action as that described be practicable. (5.) The State of Kyaington, which is in feudatory relations to the Indian Government, does touch the Mekong in a portion of its eastern frontier, and the State of Kyaing Chaing, over which Great Britain has feudal rights, but which has been ceded by us to Siam, lies astride of the river. This portion of the river is, however, at least 400 miles distant from the nearest point of the present French operations. (6.) The question, as far as we are aware, is one of disputed frontier between France and Siam, and no steps have been required to preserve trade relations with Siam or Southern China. I am enabled to add that the report of the despatch of a French fleet to Bangkok is not correct.


Is it not the fact that the French are occupying the whole of Eastern Siam up to the Mekong. Has any protest or communication of any kind been made by Her Majesty's Government in regard to such occupation?


Our information is that the French have occupied the places named in the question.


The whole of Siam up the Mekong?


The Siamese Government have not yet been able to obtain from the French Government the exact extent of their claims. But at present the French have not got within 400 miles of territory over which we claim rights.


And no representations have been made to the French Government?


None by us.

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