§ MR. FELLOWES (Hants, Ramsey)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he has communicated with the Treasury on the question of swine fever, as promised to the depu- 1345 tation on Tuesday last; and whether he is now prepared to state the intentions of the Government as to taking immediate action in the matter?
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE (Mr. H. GARDNER,) Essex, Saffron WaldenI am still in communication with my Colleagues with regard to the subject of swine fever, and it is not as yet possible for me to add anything to what I have recently stated in this House and in reply to the deputation which waited upon me a few days ago. As to the necessity of the immediate action which the hon. Member suggests, I would refer him to what I said in reply to the question he put to me; on the 5th instant.
§ MR. FELLOWESCan the right hon. Gentleman give the House any idea when these communications will be completed?
§ MR. H. GARDNERI can assure the hon. Member there will be no unnecessary delay.
§ MR. CHAPLIN (Lincolnshire, Sleaford)I should like to ask if it is not a fact that even supposing a Bill is proposed and passed it will not require a considerable time to organise the staff in order to give effect to it? Do the Government intend to deal with the question during the present Session?
§ MR. H. GARDNERThe evidence given before the Committee has not been circulated a fortnight. There has been no unnecessary delay.
§ MR. FELLOWESIn consequence of the answer of the right hon. Gentleman, I beg to give notice that I shall take an early opportunity of calling attention to the subject.