HC Deb 06 June 1893 vol 13 cc327-8
MR. BURNIE (Swansea, Town)

I bog to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been drawn to a case in the High Court of Justice on the 9th ultimo, "Cowper v. Lord Stratheden and Campbell," in the course of the hearing of which it transpired that the late Lord Stratheden and Campbell had left the control of his Smoke Nuisance (Metropolis) Bill to the Duke of Westminster; and whether he will take any steps with the view to the passing of such Bill into law; or if he will consider what other measures can be adopted for lessening the smoke nuisance in Loudon?


In the Report of the case to which the hon. Member refers it is stated that in the will of the late Lord Stratheden and Campbell there is a clause to the following effect:— The control of my Bill on smoke abatement, which has been sanctioned by the House of Lords and gone since through accurate revision, I venture to leave to the Duke of Westminster and his coadjutors. I have no further information with reference to this bequest. I cannot undertake to bring in a Bill during the present Session for dealing with the smoke nuisance.