HC Deb 06 June 1893 vol 13 cc313-4
MR. A. C. MORTON (Peterborough)

In the absence of the hon.Member for Ross and Cromarty (Mr. Weir), I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether he has received a communication from the Convener of the Portmahomack Harbour Committee, drawing his attention to the fact that the herrings shipped at that place for the last five years have only averaged 3,439 barrels per annum; that during the five years ending 1867 the average was 17,317 barrels per annum, shipped from an average of 120 boats; and stating that this depreciation has arisen solely from the want of accommodation to suit the increased draught of water of the boats now in use; and whether such steps will be taken to improve the condition of Portmahomack Harbour as shall restore the fishing industry of the town?


I have received the communication referred to, and have obtained Report from the Fishery Board, who state that this is one of the many harbours which require improvement in the interests of the fisheries, but that they have no funds that are available. The money at their disposal has been spent, amongst others, on the harbour of Balintore, in the same County of Ross as Portmahomack, and within a few miles of it. The cost of re-constructing the harbour at Portmahomack, so as to provide accommodation for the modern type of fishery boat, is estimated, in a Report which has been laid before me, at £4,000, and, under present circumstances, I see no prospect of the requisite assistance being granted.