HC Deb 05 June 1893 vol 13 c207

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any telegraphic communication has been received from Sir Gerald Portal in regard to his action in Uganda; if so, whether he will communicate it to the House; if not, whether he will telegraph to Her Majesty's Representative at Zanzibar to inquire whether any Despatch has been received by him from Sir Gerald Portal, and, in the event of such a Despatch having been received, desire him to telegraph it to the Foreign Office?


A telegram has been received from Zanzibar, in which it is stated that Sir Gerald Portal requests sanction for the temporary appointment of a transport officer on the road to Uganda beyond the Company's territories. Mr. Rodd further states that he hears that the Commissioner was, on the 31st of March, on the point of proceeding to Buddu to investigate Catholic grievances. Her Majesty's Government do not think it necessary to make inquiry by telegraph as to the further contents of Despatches, which are on their way.