HC Deb 01 June 1893 vol 12 cc1726-7
COLONEL KENYON-SLANEY (Shropshire, Newport)

I bog to ask the Secretary of State for War whether the issue of special service pensions has been suspended; and, if so, why, and when it will be resumed; whether he is aware that over 600 cases have been investigated and prepared; whether, in view of the urgent needs of the applicants, he will take steps to at once resume the issue; whether the issue of such pensions to residents in the Colonies has been prohibited; and, if so, why; and whether he will consider the expediency of issuing a warrant which will cover all such cases, and so save the loss of time and the amount of investigation-involved in the present system?

MR. LENG (Dundee)

I will, at the same time, ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he can now state what number of special pensions will be granted during the current financial year to the Crimean and Indian Mutiny veterans in infirm health and indigent circumstances?


I am glad to say that we have been able to add to the sum already available for the special pensions for the Crimea and Indian Mutiny a further amount of £5,000. This will enable the Commissioners of Chelsea Hospital to deal with the more urgent cases among the applications which have been received. I am not disposed to insist upon the exclusion of claims from men resident in the Colonies; but naturally cases at home will have some priority. The pensions being subject to these limits it is not advisable to deal with them by Warrant.


How many additional cases will be dealt with under this extra grant?


The £5,000 will provide for 371 pensions; and when all are given it is 'estimated that 400 cases will remain undealt with. That is including the vacancies under the previous sums.