HC Deb 31 July 1893 vol 15 c897

I beg to ask the Postmaster General how often the special train and boat service for the carriage of the American mails from Queenstown to London, when the ordinary service is not available, has been requisitioned since it was first arranged for; how much each journey of the special service costs; what the annual cost of the special service would be taking the average of the period during which it has been in operation; whether the annual cost on this average is greater than the amount estimated when the service was first arranged for; and for what period the contract for the special service was entered into?


The special services through to London have been used 10 times. The full cost is £127 8s. a time; but a deduction has to be made on account of a limited number of special trains which the Post Office is entitled by contract to employ over a part of the journey without extra charge. The answer to paragraph 3 of the question is about £2,000; but it is understood that the price demanded for the special packets is to be raised if the service is continued. The answer to paragraph 4 is, Yes. There is no separate contract for the special service, and no fixed time for which the terms have been arranged.


Will the right hon. Gentleman say what was the amount of the original estimate?

MR. FORWOOD (Lancashire, Ormskirk)

May I ask whether, in consideration of the very small saving that is effected in the course of the year, the right hon. Gentleman intends to deprive the traders of the North of England and Ireland of the opportunity of receiving their letters on the Saturday by the first post and answering them on the same day?


That raises a somewhat different question, which, I am afraid, I am not in a position to answer. In answer to the question of the hon. Member for Cork, I may say that the estimate was that the special service should be run 11 times a year.

MR. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S.)

How much does the special service cost each time?


£127 8s. each time.