HC Deb 27 July 1893 vol 15 c664
BARON H. DE WORMS (Liverpool, East Toxteth)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether be has received from Sir Henry Loch any further information relative to the Matabele raid into Mashonaland; and, if so, whether he will communicate it to the House?


A telegram was received yesterday from Sir H. Loch, in which he says— From information received I believe Impi had acted contrary to Lo Bengula's wishes, and that if facts were clearly placed before him he would withdraw it; and, knowing that he would probably accept my word before that of others, I. therefore, sent explaining what had occurred, and pointing out the danger of exciting the anger of white men, and asked him to at once withdraw Impi, punish the Indunas, and live in peace. Whether I shall have been successful in preventing war cannot be known till I receive Lo Bengula's answer; but I apprehend Her Majesty's Government will approve my having exercised my authority and influence in the interests of peace. Latest information received last night the whole of Impi has returned to Matabeleland. Her Majesty's Government have approved Sir H. Loch's action.