§ MR. MAINS (Donegal, N.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the Attorney General for Ireland of the late Government instituted a suit before the Master of the Rolls in Ireland, against the Irish Society, with reference to their Irish estates, in consequence of a Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons which investigated this matter in the year 1891; and whether he can state what the exact object of the suit is, what stage it at present has reached, and when it is expected to come to a hearing?
MR. J. MORLEYThe action referred to was not, I am informed, instituted by the Attorney General for Ireland of the late Government. It was instituted in January, 1892, in the Chancery Division, before the Master of the Rolls, by the Rev. Hugh Johnson, of the Presbyterian Church, against the Irish Society and others, and the Attorney General's connection with the case was limited to his having granted the usual fiat for the proceedings as required when proceedings are taken by information. The object of the suit was for a declaration that the defendant companies were the trustees of lands in Londonderry for the objects of the plantation of Ulster, and that they should apply the purchase-money of the lands and profits thereof for those objects. I believe the plaintiff has not yet de- 625 livered his statement of claim, and the case cannot come to a hearing until he does and the defendants file expenses.
§ SIR T. LEA (Londonderry, S.)Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that several actions in this case have been tried before the Master of the Rolls, and have all resulted in verdicts for the defendants?
MR. J. MORLEYI am not acquainted with the facts, but I know the hon. Gentleman has taken great interest in the case, so it is no doubt as he has stated.