HC Deb 27 July 1893 vol 15 cc622-3
LORD G. HAMILTON (Middlesex, Ealing)

I beg to ask the Vice President of the Committee of Council on Education if the following statements are correct: that a notice was received on the 15th May by the Local School Authorities of the large and populous school district of Hounslow, requiring them to provide additional school accommodation for 300 children within one month; that proposals were thereupon made to the Education Department by the said School Authorities to supply the necessary school accommodation, but on the 6th June, nine days before the expiration of the month, the Vice President of the Committee of Council ordered a School Board to be set up; and, if so, under what clause of the Education Act of 1870 was this summary action taken?


A final notice was issued by the Department on the 15th May, requiring provision to be made for 295 children, under Sections 9 and 10 of the Act of 1870. On the 18th May the ratepayers of the school district passed a resolution for a- School Board in due form, and an order for a Board was issued accordingly under Section 12 (1) of the Act of 1870. The action was in no sense summary, but in accordance with the ordinary practice of the Department.


Is it not necessary, according to the section under which the right hon. Gentleman says he acted, to have in writing the signatures of 50 ratepayers, or one-third of the number in the district? And was not the meeting on which the Education Department took action merely attended by 40 persons and the resolution carried by a bare majority? Does the right hon. Gentleman think lie is acting rightly in forcing a School Board on a district with a population of 19,000 people?


A great many School Boards have been formed under the sections, and as long as the Department is satisfied that the Clerk of the Guardians has duly summoned the meeting, all Vice Presidents proceed to act. It appears that this mooting was attended by 67 ratepayers, any 10 of whom could claim a poll, but that was not done. If the clerk certifies that the meeting has been duly summoned and held, it is quite impossible for the Department to go into the size of the meeting.


I shall call attention to what I believe to be the illegal action of the Department in the matter.