§ MR. C. ALLEN (Pembroke, &c.)In the absence of the hon. Member for the Middleton Division of Lancashire, I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he has now come to any decision in respect of directing the issue of distress warrants at Fulham to enforce Vaccination Orders; and whether the police are authorised to call at the houses of defaulters and threaten the wives with consequences for default in obeying the Orders for vaccination, using the name and authority of the Secretary of State for the Home Department?
MR. ASQDITHWith regard to the first paragraph, it was through an omis- 652 sion on the part of the police to observe the instructions, which in all such cases require a previous reference to the Secretary of State, that the Inspector took the action which he did. No further proceedings have been taken for the execution of the warrant, and the instructions of the Secretary of State will be brought again to the notice of all the Metropolitan Police, and their observance strictly enforced. The answer to the second paragraph is in the negative.