§ CAPTAIN FENWICK (Durham, Houghton-le-Spring)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the sworn statement at the recent Newcastle Assizes of the Medical Officer of Health of Middlesbrough, that the village of South Hetton was the worst he had ever seen in his life as regards sanitary arrangements; and whether he will send an Inspector down to inquire into it?
§ THE SECRETARY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD (Sir W. FOSTER,) Derby, IlkestonI am informed that the Medical Officer of Health of Middlesbrough made a statement to the effect of that mentioned in giving evidence in an action brought by the South Hetton Coal Company against the proprietors of The North Eastern Daily Gazette for an alleged libel in connection with the condition of the village of South Hetton. But for the plaintiffs, four medical men, including the Medical Officer of Health for Sunderland and the Easington District, gave evidence that the village was in a fair sanitary condition. The Local Government Board is in communication with the Rural Sanitary Authority on the subject, and will await their reply before determining whether an inspection by an Inspector of the Local Government Board will be required.
§ MR. STOREY (Sunderland)Is my hon. Friend aware that in this particular village great efforts have been made by the owners to meet the difficulty, and that they have acted not only on their own initiative, but also at the instance of the Durham County Council? Does he not, under these circumstances, think it desirable and only just to the Durham County Council to leave them to deal with this and similar cases in the county, in which, I admit, there is much room for improvement?
§ SIR W. FOSTERMuch has been done already in this village, and I hope more will be done. Of course, we should prefer to see it carried out by the Sanitary Authority' without the intervention of an Inspector of the Board.