HC Deb 25 July 1893 vol 15 cc466-7

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether there is any field hospital equipment available for the training of medical officers in the following garrisons — Portsmouth, Plymouth, Dover, Woolwich, York, Colchester, Edinburgh, Dublin, the Curragh; whether, apart from the medical corps depot at Alder-shot, I here are any facilities given to the Medical Officers in garrison there for practice in field duties; and whether the Army Medical Officers have sufficient powers to efficiently carry out their duties to the sick and wounded in the field?


At the stations named the necessary articles of field equipment are in store for purposes of mobilisation; but, as at present arranged, they are not available for purposes of instruction, except at the Curragh, where half the establishment of a field hospital can be so used. As yet, the depôt at Aldershot is the only school for the instruction of Medical Officers in field duties; but, as I informed the hon. Member on the 4th instant, it is intended to give additional opportunities for this training. I believe the Medical Officers have ample powers for carrying out all their duties.