HC Deb 24 July 1893 vol 15 cc307-8
SIR H. ROSCOE (Manchester, S.)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Trea- sury whether, in view of the imminent danger to the health of Europe caused by outbreaks of virulent cholera amongst the pilgrims at Mecca, and of the acknowledged absence in that city of the most ordinary sanitary regulations and precautions, he will consider whether the time has now arrived when, by International representations addressed to the Porto, the Government of the Sultan may be induced to enforce measures by which this most serious state of things may lie mitigated if not altogether remedied?


This question will not be lost sight of by Her Majesty's Representative at Constantinople; but there is reason to think that the circumstances connected with the recent outbreak of cholera in Mecca are now engaging the attention of the Ottoman Board of Health at Constantinople; and until further information is received as to the action of this Board it would seem to be premature for Her Majesty's Government to make any formal representation to the Porte.


Has the hon. Baronet any idea how soon that Report will be forthcoming?


I cannot commit myself to any statement on that point.