HC Deb 20 July 1893 vol 15 cc108-9
MR. QUILTER (Suffolk, Sudbury)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury if the Reference to the Royal Commission on Agriculture will include any inquiry into the substitution of sugar, molasses, rice, Maize, and other ingredients for barley malt, and of chemical substitutes for hops; and into the diminution in the number of small brewers, as disclosed by the Return issued this year relating to brewers' licences; and to the effect on the cultivation of barley and hops in this country?


I do not think this subject could be made the object of special Reference, but I have no doubt that it will be included within the general terms of Reference.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that Bills have been introduced to lessen the adulteration of beer, and that these Bills have been backed by Members of all shades of politics, including the present Minister of Agriculture; and is he aware that at meetings of agriculturists throughout the United Kingdom some legislation in this direction is one of the most approved remedies?


I am aware of the zeal and activity of the hon. Member in efforts to Secure the purity of beer.

MR. HENEAGE (Great Grimsby)

May I ask whether the House can be afforded an opportunity of discussing the question of the appointment of the Royal Commission?

[No answer was returned.]