§ MR. W. S. B. M'LARENI beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for India when the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire whether the Indian Government was carrying out the Resolution of the House of Commons forbidding the State Regulation of Vice will resume its Sittings; and whether his attention has been called to Lord Roberts' offer to give evidence if called on to do so; and whether, as Chairman of that Committee or acting for the Government, he has requested Lord Roberts to give evidence; if not, whether, in view of Lord Roberts' frequent denials to newspaper interviewers that the sys tem complained of exists, he will undertake that Lord Roberts shall be at once called before the Committee?
MR. G. RUSSELLAs at present arranged, the Committee will resume its Sittings about the end of July, when the Report of the Government of India is expected. I have taken upon myself to ask Lord Roberts to give evidence, and he has consented to do so.