SIR T. ESMONDS (Kerry, W.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he can state the nature of the reply received by the Irish Office to the inquiry addressed to the Irish officials in Dublin by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury relative to the amending of the Law affecting Irish Light Railways? I beg also to ask the Chief Secretary what steps the Government propose to take with reference to the Tralee and Dingle Railway?
MR. J. MORLEYI have to say that the matter of the charges on the baronies in respect of light railways is still engaging careful consideration, and that, at the present stage of the proceedings, it would not be possible to make any more definite announcement. As regards the proposal that the working and maintenance of the Tralee and Dingle line should be taken up by the Great Southern and Western Railway or other independent Company, I can only say that the matter is one for negotiation between the Grand Jury and the Company, though I am told there are difficulties in the way of such a working agreement in consequence of differences in gauge, curves, &c.