HC Deb 17 July 1893 vol 14 c1687
MR. CUBITT (Surrey, Reigate)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether he is aware that the Post Office Buildings at Reigate are quite inadequate for the business of the neighbourhood; whether, having regard to the increase in the population of the locality, it is intended to provide a Crown Office there; and whether he can hold out any hopes that this course will be speedily adopted?


The need for a better Post Office at Reigate is fully recognised and the Postmaster, whose duty it is to provide the necessary accommodation, has for some time been on the look-out for a suitable opportunity of doing so at a reasonable cost, but without success. The amount of the Post Office business is not sufficient to warrant the Department in undertaking to provide a Crown Office; and the answers to paragraphs 2 and 3 are, consequently, in the negative.