HC Deb 17 July 1893 vol 14 cc1710-3

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can afford the House any additional information on the state of affairs in Siam; and whether, with a view to the prevention of further hostilities, Her Majesty's Government have offered their assistance in the pacific settlement of the boundary and other questions originally in dispute?


At the same time, may I ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it is a fact, as reported in a telegram from Bangkok, reported in The Times of Friday, that two French gun- boats, on Thursday night, passed up the Menam River after nightfall, and are now anchored opposite Bangkok; whether the Siamese Government was in receipt, at the time of this incursion, of pacific assurances from the French Minister; whether a cannonade took place between the French gunboats and the forts, accompanied by loss of life; whether the British Government had prior notification of this movement of the French ships of war; and what steps Her Majesty's Government propose to take in order to protect British interests and British trade in Siam?


I am informed that there is a desire on the part of the House that there should be a discussion to-day on the difficulties which at present exist between France and Siam, especially as regards the situation at Bangkok. I am told there was an intention to move the Adjournment of the House in order to bring about a discussion of the subject. No doubt the situation is a serious one, as the House was informed last Friday, when shots had been fired; but I am happy to be able to say that, since that demonstration of hostilities, no further hostilities have taken place near Bangkok, and matters remain in suspense. I am sure it will be the desire of the whole House that, while nothing should be omitted on our part to watch and guard most closely the British interests that are involved, also nothing should be done on our part which should aggravate the situation in any way. At the present time there is every possibility that the situation will end in a peaceful solution, and that there may be no further outbreak of hostilities. I am sure the House will be anxious that at this particular moment, while matters are still in suspense, nothing should be said in this House which could possibly aggravate the situation. I, therefore, propose to ask the leave of the House, in order to avoid discussion on the matter to-day, to make the following statement:— In order to consider justly and dispassionately the present position of affairs between France and Siam, it is necessary to keep distinct several questions which from the course of events have become intermingled. But it is right to premise that perhaps the main difficulty in forming any conclusion on those questions lies in obtaining clear and definite information, and in the absence of such information Her Majesty's Government are not prepared to offer any decided opinion as to the merits of the various points at issue. There are, first of all, certain claims by the French Government for compensation for losses suffered by some French merchants and travellers in consequence of the action of Siamese officials. These are not of large amount; but the French Government appear to have laid stress on these being satisfied as a preliminary to negotiations on more important matters, while the Siamese Government have made difficulties and objections which have not yet been withdrawn. There is, secondly, the: question of frontier between France and Siam in or adjacent to the Mekong Valley. This is a question of a complicated character on which Her Majesty's Government have not sufficient information to pronounce a definite opinion, and in which—provided it be kept within certain limits, and do not assume such proportions as to affect the independence and integrity of the Siamese Kingdom—Great Britain is not directly interested. There is, thirdly, the question of the capture of a French officer. Captain Thoreux, and the alleged murder of another with some Annamite soldiers. It is reported in the papers this morning that Captain Thoreux, whose liberation was promised by the Siamese Government some time ago, has now been actually conveyed into French territory and surrendered. In regard to the other incident, the facts are contested, and it is not known what the demands of the French Government, may be. Fourthly, there is the forcible ascent of the Menam by two French gun vessels against the opposition of the Siamese Authorities. In regard to this act we are not at present in possession of all the facts, the information received by Her Majesty's Government being little, if at all, more than that which has appeared in the public Press. But there is reason to believe that it was contrary to the directions of the French Government and to the expressed wish of the French Representative at Bangkok. It is absolutely necessary to await more detailed information before an opinion can be pronounced on the merits of the question. Our last advices from Paris, however, state that the French Commanders positively assert that they were subjected to an unprovoked fire in the exercise of their undoubted right to ascend as far as Paknam. Fifthly, there is the question of the protection of British subjects and property and those of other European Powers at Bangkok. Her Majesty's Government have for some time past been making provision for this, and they are assured by the Naval Authorities that the arrangements are complete and the force sufficient. Should more ships be required they will be immediately available. Finally, there is the question of the independence and integrity of Siam. Her Majesty's Government are fully sensible that this is a subject of grave importance to the British, and more especially to the British Indian Empire; but the French Government declare themselves to be not less anxious than ourselves to maintain and respect that independence and integrity. Her Majesty's. Government are fully alive to their responsibilities in this matter, and they will not lose any opportunity which may present itself of facilitating a satisfactory solution.

MR. CURZON (Lancashire, Southport)

Having heard the statement made by the Under Foreign Secretary, I propose to refrain from taking any step which I might otherwise have done to call the attention of the House to the subject to-day.