HC Deb 14 July 1893 vol 14 c1572
MR. PAUL (Edinburgh, E.)

I wish to ask the Under Secretary of State for India when the Despatch from Lord Kimberley to the Government of India forwarding the Resolution of this House on the subject of Civil Service examinations will be laid on the Table, and when it will be distributed? Perhaps I may say that, although extracts from the Despatch have appeared in the papers and in a question put in this House by the hon. Member for Elgin and Nairn, the Despatch has not been obtainable at the Vote Office. I should like to know when it will be in the hands of hon. Members?


I laid the Despatch on the Table some days since. My attention has been called to the fact that extracts have been published as stated by my hon. Friend. I have inquired into the subject. I find there is a deadlock between the India Office and the Queen's Printers, the latter averring that they were awaiting the order to go to press, and the former alleging that the order had already been given. This is not the first time a thing of that kind has occurred; strict investigation is now being made, and I hope that a satisfactory explanation will be forthcoming from the Queen's Printers.