HC Deb 13 July 1893 vol 14 c1465
MR. T. SHAW (Hawick, &c.)

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate whether his attention has been called to the circumstances under which John M'Naught was shot dead on 27th May last, while within cover of the marking butt at Hawick rifle range; whether an inquiry has been made by the Crown Authorities, the inquiry being in private and the details thereof not divulged even to the father of the deceased; what is the result of the inquiry; will he order a public investigation to be held; and is the Government prepared to propose or accept such Amendments to the Fatal Accidents Inquiry (Scotland) Bill as will widen its scope so as to cover casualties such as that above-mentioned?

THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. J. B. BALFOUR, Clackmannan, &c.)

An inquiry was made in the usual way into the circumstances of this very sad accident. They were carefully investigated by the Fiscal, and, after consideration of a full precognition, Crown Counsel were of opinion there was no ground for criminal proceedings. The accident appears to have been caused by a ricochet bullet, which penetrated one of the sleepers by which the butt is protected, at a place to which the metal plating with which the sleepers are partially covered did not extend. I have no doubt that measures will be at once taken by the Volunteer Authorities, who were communicated with by order of Crown Counsel, to make such an occurrence impossible in future: but I do not propose to order a public investigation—indeed, I greatly doubt whether I have any power to do so. An accident occurring to a Volunteer in the Military Service of the Crown would be beyond the scope and object of the Bill referred to.


This inquiry having been conducted by the Crown Authorities for the public interest, can my right hon. Friend state what is the reason why the details should not be communicated to the public?


I can only reply that the inveterate and universal practice has been followed, and I do not think I have the power to alter that practice.