HC Deb 10 July 1893 vol 14 c1152
DR. COMMENTS (Cork, S. E.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that, at the last sitting of the Sub-Commission of the Court of the Land Commission at Kinsale on the 4th of July instant, there were 71 cases listed for hearing at that sitting; that a number of these cases had been so listed and set down for hearing a great number of times, those numbered 1 to 17 having so appeared for about five years; that after only two days' sitting, and having reached only to No. 34 on the list, the Court adjourned, and a considerable time may elapse before it sits again; that the expense of attending with their witnesses, as they must do at every Court so long as their cases are in the list, falls very heavily on the tenants applying to the Court, many of whom have to travel a considerable distance to attend the Court at Kinsale; and what steps, if any, are being taken by the Land Commission to remedy this serious state of things, and secure a speedier and less uncertain method of disposing of cases in this Court at Kinsale?


The Land Commission inform me that none of the cases listed for hearing at Kinsale on the 4th instant, which were then postponed, had been listed for hearing on a former occasion. They explain that the postponement was unavoidable, and that the cases not disposed of will be taken up early in September.