HC Deb 06 July 1893 vol 14 cc954-5
MR. W. REDMOND (Clare, E.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been drawn to the case of a man named Ahament, who on 25th April last, in the British Consular Court at Bangkok, was convicted by a jury of having been one of a gang who waylaid and beat Mr. J. Lillie, editor of The Siam Free Press, with regard to whom the official medical attendant swore that the wounds inflicted on Mr. Lillie constituted grievous bodily harm; whether he is aware that Ahament was sentenced to 14 days' hard labour; and whether, in view of the fact that, under Sections 6 and 49 of Siam Order in Council, 1889, the Consul was bound to administer justice in accordance with the practice of English law, the Secretary of State will take this case into consideration, with a view to securing the inflic- tion of more severe sentences for such offences. I will also ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he is aware that at the International Court at Bangkok on 6th May last two Siamese subjects were charged with being members of a gang who waylaid and seriously injured Mr. J. Lillie, a British subject; and, on conviction, were let off by the Siamese Judge with a fine; and whether, in view of the Treaty between Great Britain and Siam, which guarantees to British subjects under Article I. full protection and assistance to enable them to reside in Siam in all security, the Secretary of State will make representations to the Siamese Government on the subject?


Copies of the hon. Member's previous questions on this subject were sent to the British Minister at Bangkok, and he was asked to report on the facts set out in them. He has since stated by telegraph that he was sending by post a detailed account of what had occurred. He has now been asked by telegraph to report fully on the proceedings both in the Consular and International Courts, if he has not already done so. Until these particulars are received, the Secretary of State is not in a position to form any definite opinion as to the case, or as to whether a representation to the Siamese Government is called for.


Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will let me know when he is in a position to give me an answer?

