HC Deb 04 July 1893 vol 14 cc810-1

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether representations have been made to him on the part of the Army surgeons as to the sufficiency of their powers to properly carry out their duties to the sick and wounded in the field, and that they do not receive the assistance and protection of the authorities in time of peace in properly carrying out their sanitary duties towards the rank and file of the Army; what training do Army surgeons and their corps receive in time of peace to enable them to efficiently carry out their duties on the field of battle; and whether he will consider the advisability of improving the condition of the private soldier?


No representations such as are referred to in the first paragraph of the hon. Member's question have been received from Army medical officers. There are two courses of instruction for medical officers on joining the Service:—(a) At Netley—in hospital organisation and routine for peace and war, and the study of special tropical diseases, military surgery, and hygiene. (b) At Aldershot—in military duties, medical staff corps and ambulance work generally, such as they would have to perform on the battlefield. They are instructed in the practical duties of bearer company and field hospital work, and for this purpose the equipment of one field hospital and one bearer company is kept at the Medical Staff Corps Depôt, Alder-shot. As I stated a few days ago, it is intended that some additional opportunity shall be afforded for special training in field duties. The last paragraph of my hon. Friend's question appears to have no immediate connection with the Medical Service. The subject of improving the condition of the private soldier must always be present to the mind of the Army authorities, but I have nothing to add to what I said on the Army Estimates.


Has not the right hon. Gentleman received any representations such as these referred to in the first paragraph on the part of Army surgeons?


No, not on any of those points.