HC Deb 03 July 1893 vol 14 cc657-8

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for India whether Surgeon Major King has been punished for vaccinating with lymph variolous, or small-pox in fact, inoculated into the cow, and thence taken to vaccinate human beings; is he aware that it is recommended in the Manual for Vaccination in use for pupils in the Madras Vaccination Department, printed at the Fort Press, and issued under the authority of the Indian Government; is the Government aware that such lymph is in circulation to a large extent throughout England by reason of the experiments of Mr. Badcock, many thousands in number, and of Mr. Ceely and others; that it was approved by Sir John Simon and Mr. Marson before the Committee of this House in 1871, and by others; and why is it now prohibited, and a practitioner like Surgeon Major King, so misled, punished?


(1.) Surgeon Major King was censured and transferred from Civil to Military duty for having used, without authority from the Government, a form of lymph not sanctioned by the Government for use among the native population. (2 and 3.) The Secretary of State has not seen the Manual referred to. He is aware that the lymph has been used in this country in the form described in the question. (4.) The Government, having decided that a particular form of lymph should be used, Surgeon Major King was transferred for having used without permission another form of lymph.