§ SIR SEYMOUR KINGI beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for India what was the purport of the Secretary of State's Despatch, No. 231 (Financial), dated 17th November, 1892, to the Government of India, with regard to granting leave under the ordinary Furlough Rules as sick leave under medical certificate when the officer was considered to be suffering from ill-health; whether officers taking leave under the terms of this Despatch received additional or less pay to that they would have received under ordinary Furlough Rules; 661 and whether the operation of the new Rule, presuming that officers are entitled to a certain amount of furlough, will be to use up that furlough as leave under medical certificate, and so to deprive them of advantages they might have gained under the Regulations previously existing?
MR. G. RUSSELLThe purport of the Despatch was to rule that, if an officer who had been granted furlough under Article 371 of the Civil Service Regulations, and not leave on medical certificate under Article 362, had supported his application for leave by a medical certificate, he should be allowed the minimum rate of absentee allowance authorised in the case of sick leave. No new Rule has been laid down respecting the grant of leave; the only effect of the Despatch referred to, so far as it operates at all, is to give additional pay.