§ Address for "Returns from all Cemetery Companies and Burial Boards, having offices within the administrative county of London, and the City of London, of the half-yearly payments made during each of the five years ending the 30th day of September, 1892, to each of the several incumbents for the time being of each of the various parishes or ecclesiastical districts from which bodies have been removed for interment in the consecrated portions of their Cemeteries by virtue of 'The Cemeteries Clauses Act, 1847,' s. 52, or other statutes, whether Public or Private Acts; such Return to distinguish fees upon Pauper interments charged upon the Poor Rates by 7 and 8 Vic., c. 10, s. 31, or any subsequent statutes:"
§ "And, of the fees paid during the same period by the same bodies to parish clerks, sextons, or other ecclesiastical officials in respect of such interments as aforesaid, distinguishing in each case those of Paupers."—(Mr. Picton.)