HC Deb 20 February 1893 vol 8 c1856

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the action of the Kensington Vestry, in connection with the dwellings of the poor in James Street, Kensington Square, by first proceeding, under Section 32 of "The Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890," to obtain orders from the magistrate closing the houses in the street; and then, while the houses are so closed and vacated for repairs, passing a resolution for the preparation of a scheme for dealing with the area under Section 39 of the said Act, thus apparently evading the obligation, under Section 40 of the Act, to provide other dwellings for the working classes so displaced; and whether, before he sanctions any scheme prepared by the said Vestry for dealing with the area in question, he will cause a local inquiry into the matter to be held?


I am informed that the Vestry of Kensington, On the representation of the Medical Officer of Health that 24 houses in James Street were unfit for human habitation, decided to take proceedings to secure the closing of these houses, and that they have had under consideration the preparation of a scheme for the improvement of the area. When the scheme is submitted to the Local Government Board, the Board, before arriving at any decision, will direct a local inquiry.