HC Deb 16 February 1893 vol 8 c1687

asked whether there was any truth in the telegram published in the evening papers stating with reference to the decision of four Judges of the Irish Queen's Bench Division, who gave Judgment in the ease in which, by order of the Executive, a County Inspector in Kerry had refused to afford police protection to the Sheriff in the service of Writs by night, the Lord Chief Justice holding that the Sheriff was by law entitled to police protection at all hours, and its refusal was clearly illegal, and the other Judges concurring, an attachment against the County Inspector being granted that day time Dublin Court of Appeal heard the application to set aside the Judgment, and that the Court held that the application for attachment was a proceeding of a criminal nature, and that, inasmuch as it was a Judgment of a Superior Court in a criminal matter, there was no appeal against the decision of the Queen's Bench; and whether, therefore, the Judgment had been confirmed?


I have no information on the subject.