§ SIR WILLIAM PEARCE (Plymouth)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether Petitions having been received from Plymouth, Brixham, and Beer against the new bye-laws of the Devon Sea Fisheries Committee, the Board of Trade Inquiry will he held at those ports instead of at Newton as proposed, in order that the evidence of the local fishermen may be taken?
§ MR. F. B. MILDMAY (Devon, Totnes)Will the right hon. Gentleman extend the Inquiry to other equally important centres in Devonshire?
§ MR. MUNDELLAI have received a large number of objections to the bye-laws recently made by the Committee of the Devon Sea Fisheries District, and an Inspector has been directed to hold an inquiry at Newton Abbot. It is important to hold an inquiry of this nature at one place only, since it will be attended at the expense of those interested by advocates who must be given the opportunity of examining and cross-examining the witnesses. Newton Abbot has been 1039 chosen as being most central and generally accessible by railway.