HC Deb 09 February 1893 vol 8 cc895-6

I hog to ask the Secretary for Scotland if the Government will consent to the appointment of a Commission to inquire into the effect of the extensive concession of exclusive rights of fishing for salmon and trout to landed proprietors around the coasts of Scotland; and whether such Commission (if appointed) will also inquire into the question of foreshore rights over the same area?


While agreeing with the hon. Member that inquiry is desirable into the fishery rights round the coasts of Scotland, the Government is not prepared to appoint a Commission on the subject at present. The Commission on Crown Rights in Scottish Salmon Fisheries in 1890 recommended that no further sales or long leaves of Crown fishings, either in the sea or inland, should be made by the Commissioners except under the special sanction of the Secretary for Scotland. In October last I called the attention of the Treasury to this recommendation, and stated that, in my opinion, it was inexpedient that any further Crown rights in Scottish salmon fishings should be alienated by sale or lease to individuals, or disposed of otherwise than by licence to fishermen. In view of this expression of opinion, the Lords of t he Treasury informed the Office of Woods that they must of Woods that they must withhold permission for the grant of fresh leases, and requested the Office to draw up a scheme. That is all that the Government could do administratively with regard to this question, oft which so strong a feeling is entertained by the fishing population of Scotland, and that has been done.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that these precautions have been taken too late, and that leases and rights over all the waters around the coast of Scotland have been granted?


No, Sir; I am sorry to say that within the past few years several important grants have been made, but there would have been more had not this policy been adopted.


Have any fresh licences been Granted since the decision was come to?


That matter rests between the Treasury and the Commissioners of Woods and Forests. I have only explained the policy of the Department for which I am responsible.