HC Deb 03 February 1893 vol 8 cc383-4
DR. KENNY (Dublin, College Green)

I desire to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he has received or has had his attention drawn to a resolution adopted by the Dublin Corporation, on the 16th ultimo—namely, in which they state that they view with alarm and dismay the rapid increase of bogus drinking clubs in all portions of the city; that, in their opinion, these clubs are a prolific source of poverty, crime, and disorder; that they are instrumental in depreciating the rateable value of property wherever they are established, and call upon the Government to introduce a Bill in the coming Session of Parliament that will be effective in grappling with this degrading and pestiferous evil; and whether, in view of the urgency of the evil condemned in above-cited resolution, and in compliance with the request therein contained, he will introduce a Bill during the present Session which, whilst giving power to the Local Authority to grapple effectively with evil complained of, will guard the rights of genuine workmen's clubs?


My attention has been drawn to the resolution referred to, and the Irish Government fully recognise that the evil condemned in the resolution is rapidly increasing and demands attention and remedy, but at the present moment I cannot promise immediate legislation on the subject.