§ MR. HOWELLOn behalf of the hon. Member for the Rushcliffe Division of Nottingham, I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what were the precise instructions given to the Commissioner for investigating the frauds and defalcations in connection with the Sudbury Savings Bank; and whether it is within the province of the Commissioner to suggest or concur in any "compromise" which will in any way or degree limit or lessen his examination into the facts of the case, so as to bring borne to those responsible their liability for the errors, omissions, and fradulent transactions which have taken place over a long series of years at this bank?
§ SIR J. T. HIBBERT(who replied) said: The Commissioner does not act under the instructions of the Executive. He is appointed by a Judge of the High Court under the Trustee Savings Bank Act, 1887, and his duties are defined by the Statute. As regards the latter part of the question, my answer is in the negative.
§ * MR. HOWELLAre not the depositors in this Savings Bank in exactly the same position as those in the Cardiff Savings Bank? And are the trustees and managers, therefore, not responsible?
§ SIR J. T. HIBBERTThat is a question as to which I must ask for notice.