HC Deb 28 December 1893 vol 20 c341
MR. D. SULLIVAN (Westmeath, S.)

In the absence of the hon. Member for West Donegal, I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware that discontent exists amongst the people in the districts along the new line of railway from Stranorlar to Glenties, in the County of Donegal, on account of the dilatory proceedings of the contractors, who so work is at present in a very backward condition, and who are making very Utile progress with it, notwithstanding the fact that they have long overpassed the time originally appointed for its completion; whether the contractors in December, 1892, applied to the Privy Council in Dublin for an extension of time until January, 1894, undertaking to have the line finished within that time; whether he is aware that they are now about to make a new application for another long extension of time; and whether, hi view of the fact that this line is being constructed by means of money voted by Parliament for the relief of the people of those districts and for the benefit of the locality, he will see his way to requiring from those contractors a more rapid completion of the work they undertook to perform?


(who replied) said: There are reasons, which I can explain privately to my hon. Friend, which make it undesirable to enter into details regarding the Stranorlar-Glenties line, and I will ask him to accept my assurance that the Board of Works and the Treasury are doing, and will continue to do, their utmost to accelerate the completion of the line. If my hon. Friend will communicate with me privately, I shall be pleased to show him the latest Reports which I have received on the subject since the question was put on the Paper.