HC Deb 27 December 1893 vol 20 cc256-7
MR. J. CHAMBERLAIN (Birmingham, W.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he can now state what steps the Board of Trade have taken in accordance with the promise given on 8th August that, during the Recess, the Board of Trade would do everything possible in the way of investigation, and, if possible, of bringing the traders and the Birmingham Canal Navigation Company together, and that if they did not succeed in that they would prepare a Bill for next Session; and whether, in view of the fact that no arrangement has yet been arrived at, he is now in a position to undertake that the Government will introduce a Bill next Session dealing with the tolls and charges of the Canal Company, which at the present time press heavily and unduly on the trade and interests of the City of Birmingham?


A series of interviews have taken place at the Board of Trade with the Birmingham Corporation and other parties interested in the Provisional Order. I regret to state that no agreement has been at present arrived at. The difficulties of negotiation have been very much increased by the fact that no reasons were given by the Committee of this Session for their rejection of the Bill. I have, however, given directions that Mr. Pelham, who has been conducting recent inquiries as regards other Schedules, shall proceed to Birmingham to confer with the parties interested. We hope he may arrive at a settlement. In any case, it will he my duty to introduce a Bill on the subject next Session.