HC Deb 21 December 1893 vol 20 c188

Address for "Return for each year from 1870 to 1892 as regards the United Kingdom, and from 1879 to 1892 as regards Foreign stations, showing separately for the United Kingdom, Bengal, Madras, Bombay, Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, Egypt, Canada, Bermuda, West Indies, Jamaica, South Africa, Mauritius, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, and Hong Kong the average annual strength of the Troops; the admissions of Soldiers to hospital; and the ratio of admissions per thousand of mean strength for primary venereal sores, secondary syphilis, and gonorrhœa respectively, together with the total numbers constantly sick from those causes and the ratio constantly sick from such causes per thousand of mean strength. The Return to specify any changes which have been made, during the period it covers, in the nomenclature of the diseases referred to, showing the general effect on the subsequent statistics in the Return, with the dates when such changes were made."—(Mr. Jeffreys.)