HC Deb 19 December 1893 vol 19 cc1770-1

I wish to ask the Civil Lord of the Admiralty a question of which I have given him private notice, namely, whether he is correctly reported in The Pall Mall Gazette as having, when speaking at Stratford on Saturday last, and referring to the House of Lords, used these words:— Most of them were there because they were or were supposed to be, the sons of their fathers 2


I have only just received the notice of this question of the hon. Member, and I have not had time to see the report to which he refers. I will say, however, that at the meeting at Stratford, in discussing the title of the House of Lords to reverse the decisions of this House, I distinguished between the official and hereditary Members, and I did describe the title of the latter substantially in the terms he has quoted.


Then I would like to know what justification the hon. Member can offer for so cruel an insult to the Members of the other branch of the Legislature?

[No answer was given.]