HC Deb 18 December 1893 vol 19 cc1595-6
MR. PARKER SMITH (Lanark, Partick)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether the qualifications of a large proportion of the gentlemen added a month ago to the Commission of the Peace for Lanarkshire are in respect of Glasgow only; why the appointments were not delayed until after the appointed day of November on which the City of Glasgow became a county; why the gentlemen in question have not been transferred to the new Commission of the Peace for the County of the City of Glasgow; whether the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire was consulted in regard to the appointments; and what he proposes to do in the matter?


Yes, Sir. (1.) The qualifications of a large proportion of the gentlemen added in November last to the Commission of the Peace for Lanarkshire was in respect of Glasgow only. (2.) A strong feeling existed that the representation of Liberals on the County Bench was unduly small, and it was therefore thought unjust not to wait till the City of Glasgow became a county, as the date of that event was uncertain. (2.) The gentlemen have been transferred with their own consent from the Commission of the Peace for Lanarkshire to that of Glasgow. (4.) Communications passed between the Lord Lieutenant and the Lord Chancellor on the subject of these appointments, but the Lord Chancellor accepts full responsibility for the appointment.

MR. HOZIER (Lanarkshire, S.)

Was it owing to the want of local knowledge that the Lord Chancellor made this ridiculous blunder?

[No answer was given.]


Have the gentlemen whose qualifications are for Glasgow already been transferred?


The majority of them have responded readily to the Lord Chancellor's invitation that they should be transferred, and that will at once be done.


asked whether the Lord Chancellor's letter was dated the 13th December, and had not been replied to by a good many of the gentlemen concerned?


The Lord Chancellor has communicated to the House of Commons what appears to me to be an absolutely satisfactory explanation of the reason why the appointments were made.


Were they intended to be made Magistrates for the City of Glasgow, or for the County of Lanark?


They were appointed by the Lord Chancellor to be Magistrates for the County of Lanark; but their qualifications being for Glasgow, they very properly were transferred when Glasgow became a county. I consider that the Lord Chancellor in this matter has acted from first to last with perfect consideration for everyone concerned. He acted perfectly within his rights, and he has given a satisfactory explanation.


asked why on the 13th of December the Lord Chancellor wrote a letter to all the gentlemen concerned asking them to consent to be transferred from the County of Lanark to the City of Glasgow?


Because they could not by Statute be transferred in any other manner.