HC Deb 18 December 1893 vol 19 cc1604-5
MR. H. S. WRIGHT (Nottingham, S.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the gallant action of five Bridlington fishermen in putting off in the open sailing coble Swiftsure, about 4 a.m. on the 19th November, during the height of the gale then blowing, and effecting the rescue of the crew of the schooner Victoria (six hands), whose vessel went down almost immediately afterwards, and whose lives would have been lost but for the prompt action of these men: Christopher Brown, Fred Brown (his son), Richard Purvis, John Usher, and Tom Clark; and whether the Board of Trade will take any steps in recognition of their conduct? I should like further to ask the right hon. Gentleman if his attention has been drawn to another gallant rescue by fishermen of the same place which took place a few hours previously when the crew of the boat Hesperus saved three lives off Flamborough Head? Will the Board of Trade kindly take this case also into its consideration?


My attention has been called to the gallant service performed on the occasion to which the hon. Member refers, and I am considering how best to recognise the action of the fishermen concerned. We have several of these cases before us. We deal with them in connection with the Local Authorities. In the case referred to in the question on the Paper there is a local subscription being raised for the fishermen, and we shall consequently probably take the course of awarding them medals. I will, of course, inquire into all cases brought under my notice.