HC Deb 15 December 1893 vol 19 c1500
MR. DALZIEL (Kirkcaldy, &c.)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether, with a view to adding to the information already in possession of the House with regard to the extent of the prevailing distress consequent on large numbers of workmen being out of employment, he can see his way to issue a Circular to Local Authorities in Scotland similar in terms to that issued by the Local Government Board on 12th February, 1886?


From the Reports which I received through the Board of Supervision so far back as June last, with a view to preparation for the coming winter, it was satisfactory to find that the Local Authorities had last year taken measures to provide work for those of the unemployed who were prepared to-accept it. This duty was undertaken, voluntarily by the Local Authorities without any Circular having been issued by the Board of Supervision, and the confidence of the Board in the judgment of the Local Authorities seems to have been fully justified. During the past few months I have been kept informed at very frequent intervals of the state of matters as regards the unemployed in the various localities, and so far they have been satisfactory. The Board of Supervision are very unwilling to issue a Circular so long as the close inspection which is being maintained proves that the steps-taken in the principal centres are sufficient to meet the emergency.


Up to what date has the right hon. Gentleman received information?


I have received a most important Report this morning dealing with the last few days.