HC Deb 14 December 1893 vol 19 c1371
MR. P. J. O'BRIEN (Tipperary, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether His Excellency has received a Petition bearing date the 10th November from a number of fishermen from Killaloe, on the banks of the Shannon, complaining that the rights which they and their forefathers have exercised from time immemorial, of fishing in a certain portion of the river at Killaloe is attempted to be interfered with by a bye-law recently made by the Board of Conservators, urging that this bye-law should not be allowed to operate, on the grounds that the action of the Board was taken on the basis of an unfounded charge of "stroke-hauling," which charge was dismissed by the Magistrates at Killaloe Petty Sessions after full investigation; and that subsequently, at an inquiry held by two Fishery Inspectors, a decision was come to on ex parte evidence in support of the bye-law, the Inspectors refused to receive any evidence tendered by petitioners; and praying finally that their rights as fishermen may not be thus so interfered with until an inquiry shall be held; and if any, or what, reply has been given to the said Petition?


The Memorial in question was duly received and acknowledged. The Inspectors of Fisheries held the inquiry referred to after due notice publicly given, and the evidence was taken in open Court. I understand that when the solicitors on both sides had concluded their cases a Mr. Hurley, who is stated to have no interest in the matter, wanted to re-open the entire matter and conduct it personally, and that the Inspectors declined to agree to this. No bye-law has yet been made, however, nor will the Inspectors make one until they shall have inspected the river in its normal state. At present the channel is narrowed in consequence of certain operations that are being carried out. Should a bye-law be made it will not become valid until confirmed by the Lord Lieutenant in Council, and all parties interested will then have an opportunity of stating their objections before the Committee of the Irish Privy Council.