HC Deb 05 December 1893 vol 19 cc486-7
MR. BODKIN (Roscommon, N.)

On behalf of the hon. Member for East Cavan, I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the Marquess of Donegal was recently committed to gaol for 12 days for having failed to pay a debt due to his tailor, and that the contention of the Marquess that being a Peer of the Realm he was exempted from proceedings of this kind was overruled; and whether, in view of the fact that the Marquess of Donegal receives a salary as Clerk of the Peace for the County of Antrim, though absent from Ireland, the Government will make an inquiry into all the circumstances of the case?


I have seen a newspaper report of the matter referred to in the first paragraph; it does not appear, however, that the Marquess underwent imprisonment. With regard to the second paragraph, the Clerk of the Peace for County Antrim is empowered to act by deputy, to be approved of by the Lord Chancellor, to whom I shall refer the matter.

MR. SEXTON (Kerry, N.)

Is it true, as stated by the Magistrate, that a Peer of the Realm is not subject to committal for debt? Is it a sufficient reason why he should not pay his tailor that he is a Peer? Will the Government consider the propriety of making a tack to the Appropriation Bill providing that Peers shall pay their debts like ordinary men.

MR. DARLING (Deptford)

Is it not the fact that the case referred to was heard not before a Magistrate, but before a County Court Judge, who found that he was wrong on the question of the law in this matter.


The facts are not further known to me, and I think notice should be given of any inquiry as to them, and also of the question put by my hon. Friend the Member for Kerry.